Our Services

For any questions or guidance regarding our health and safety services, please reach out to our expert team committed to ensuring your well-being. We are available to assist you with prompt and reliable information tailored to your specific needs.

OSHA 10 & 30 Hour Course

This OSHA 10- & 30-Hour Construction course covers everything from Electrical Hazard Safety to Fall Protection. Our OSHA 10- & 30-Hour Construction course is a proven way to receive a valid OSHA 10 and 30 Hour Card and achieve the safety level required by your company for work in the construction industry. It’s simply the easiest way to complete your training and earn your OSHA 10- & 30-Hour requirement.

Fall Protection Awareness (4 Hour)

OSHA ‘s Fall Protection Standard is one of the most frequently cited standards in the United States, and falls are the leading cause of fatalities in the construction industry. If you have employees working at heights of six feet or more, this training is required. This class will cover:

Review of construction standards including Subpart M Fall Protection height requirements

Personal Fall Arrest Systems

Anchor requirements



Fall Restraint

Equipment Inspections

Calculating Clearance

Guardrail and hole cover requirements

Rescue Plan requirements

Aerial lift and Scissor lift Requirements

Confined Space (Construction)

This eight hour training course is designed for Managers, Supervisors, Foremen, and all field personnel in Construction and General Industry. This class will focus on the requirements of OSHA’s, Subpart AA and how to ensure compliance as well as keeping your employees safe. Employers are required to be in compliance with this standard by October 2, 2015. This class will cover:




General Requirements

Permit Required Confined Space

Permitting process

Duties of Entrants/Attendants/Supervisors

Nature of the hazards

Welding and cutting requirements

Air monitoring requirements

Ventilation requirements and considerations

Scheduling trades

Review of the Cabin Creek Incident

Rescue and emergency services

Trenching and Excavation

The four-hour training course is a safety program designed for foremen, field supervisors, or anyone involved in the construction industry.

Excavating is one of the most dangers activities in construction. Protection of employees in trenches is one of the most frequently cited OSHA violations. Most accidents occur at depths between five and fifteen feet deep. Any time you have an employee in a trench or excavation over five feet in depth, a Competent Person must be on site and training is required. This class will cover:

Review of OSHA Subpart P construction requirements

Underground installations (utilities)

Access and Egress

Exposure to vehicle and equipment traffic

Hazardous atmospheres

Stability of adjacent structures

Protection from cave ins



Trench box

Inspection criteria

1st Aid /CPR /AED

This class covers:

First Aid Basics

Medical Emergencies

Injury Emergencies

Environmental Emergencies

CPR Hands on and Hands Free


OSHA Compliance Services

On-site audit

We customize safety and health audits to address any occupational safety and health issue. We have experience in safety and health audits for companies of all sizes and multiple locations. Our consultants develop programs after identifying any hazards, program deficiencies and potential OSHA violations in your operations.

Mock OSHA inspection

To accurately assess the level of compliance, Cornerstone Practical Safety consultants conduct an OSHA-style inspection. We can arrange these inspections unannounced and unexpected by the facility or project.

Record keeping compliance

Cornerstone Practical Safety will assure that your OSHA 300 log is current and accurate.

Safety program development

Cornerstone Practical Safety customizes safety and health programs to guide and direct compliance with regulations.

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